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Renato Olivastri – Restauro mobili e intarsio

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Renato Olivastri started working in the artisan workshops in the province of Bergamo in 1972, at the age of 14, taking care of the manufacturing of made to order interior decor pieces. He moved to Florence in 1982 to attend the class on Wooden Works Restoration at the “Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro Palazzo Spinelli”. After graduating in 1984, he worked in the bottega of his restoration teacher, with whom he collaborated for about ten years. Nowadays his activity continues in the same location, in Via dei Velluti 21 r, focusing on the restoration of furniture and of inlaid furniture, especially end of 19th century “Sorrentini” tables and artifacts, “Maggiolini” style bureaus, tables and artifacts inlaid with ebony and ivory, mother-of-pearl objects, Dutch chests of drawers and above all furniture and artifacts in Boule style. Renato Olivastri manufactures new inlaid works as well, both in ancient and modern styles. Throughout his career he has always taught classes on furniture restoration, inlaid and restoration on wooden paintings, cooperating since 1986 with “Palazzo Spinelli” and since 2011-2014 also with the Accademia di Belle Arti in Aquila.