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Artigianato &Aperitivo is back!

The “Artigianato&Aperitivo” initiative is a walk through the little streets, the piazzas and the gardens in the historic center of Florence. The perfect opportunity to get to know its special places, the stories, the crafts and the products that make it unique, accompanied by an expert guide. We meet after work and you can come alone or with your colleagues, your friends or your family and give yourself the pleasure of a wonderful stroll, an opportunity to relax,  make some physical activity, meet new people and above all experience Florence in a new way. “Artigianato&Aperitivo”: each installment has a theme, each theme an artisan and at the end…an aperitivo (a drink) all together! 

Reservation is mandatory and only a limited number of participants is allowed at each walk. 

For more information and the details of the walk:

To check price and to book your walk:

Download the card with the 2018 walks  (in Italian)