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Centro Diamanti



Giordano Pini studied at the Petrocchi Art Institute of Pistoia. From an early age he began to experiment the techniques of jewellery construction. From 1981 to 2003 he devoted himself to teaching, and also to the production of jewellery-sculpture. In 1978 he produced a medal for the Comunità Montana Acquerino-Felciana of Pistoia; he also created a series of exemplars for the Triennial Show of the Artistic Medal. In the mid-80s he collaborated with the Mancadori firm of Milan on the production of highly original articles of jewellery. In 1994 he constructed the commemorative monument for the civilian victims of the bombardment of Piteccio (PT) during the Second World War. Dating to 2006 is the sculpture “Pianeta Musicante Marina”, dedicated to the wife of the sculptor Marino Marini, currently on show in the museum devoted to the great artist in Pistoia. Two of Pini’s creations are displayed in the collections of contemporary jewellery at the Silver Museum in the Pitti Palace.