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Foto Studio Buccoliero Adriano

  • Indirizzo: Viale IV Novembre, 36 - 50032 Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)
  • Telefono: +39 055 8456500; +39 333 6193642
  • Email:

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Fine art photo prints. The quality of the product from the print onto photographic paper mounted onto different types of support made of wood and plastic materials, or framed, to the innovative prints on canvas. My work wants to abstract from the image itself and transmit an emotion, a memory, a state of pleasure to the person looking at it and is fascinated by it. The photograph as image with its chromatic equilibriums, with its harmonic shapes, with the balance of contents and shapes, whether it is a human figure or a landscape or an architecture. The photographs of Adriano Buccoliero intend to represent something more than a simple image. The camera is his means of interpretation of reality. His studio, besides doing fine art images, has a work path going from reportage, to portraiture, to still-life, interior and exterior decoration, from industrial photo, to reproducing of works of art.