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IMA sfx Studios

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I.M.A. Sfx Studios creates special projects for the most varied needs in the world of entertainment: sculptures and tridimensional signs, stage sets, special effects and much more. Their experience in the various sectors allows I.M.A. Sfx Studios to understand and help their clients give life to their ideas and to fulfill their creative vision. The passion, creativity and a team of talented collaborators together with innovative technical solutions allow them to achieve the highest quality, from planning to the final product. Alessio Pieroni, Art Director, the founder and owner of IMA Sfx Studios, besides his activity as artistic and technical director of the workshop, has also acquired a more than twenty years experience in the fields of set design, sculpture and in all the techniques of working with resins. Alessio Pieroni is a natural problem solver when it comes to issues with the execution of a project and thanks to his great creativity can be considered a true artist and an excellent consultant in planning and building new incredible creations. Francesca Falchini, a Graduate of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence in stone restoration, is a fine sculptress and excellent restorer with a strong technical and organizational background directing prestigious works. She is the workshop supervisor at IMA Sfx Studios.