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La Raccolta – Bar Ristorante Market Biologico Vegetariano

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We believe that eating does not mean just nourishing oneself, but experiencing emotions. The emotions that come from an harmonic balance of the body, from a culinary research and the satisfaction of the palate and also from making conscious choices favoring the respect of nature and its rhythms. The products used in the recipes and that are sold in our market come from certified biological productions, especially from small local farms. This is because we want to offer good food, that is clean and right for you, rich with the best nutrients that the body needs in the different times of the year. We offer a healthy nutrition to obtain the right balance of body and mind.
La Raccolta is open from Monday to Saturday. On Monday from 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.; from Tuesday to Saturday from 7.30 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.