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Tessitura T.A.C.S. s.n.c.

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T.A.C.S., Premiata Tessitura Artigiana Casentinese, produces the Casentino fabric. About the Casentino cloth we can say that "it was born and self-made". It belongs in fact to that category of man’s things that are born by chance and that over time because of their nature find a space, almost without willing it, in the tradition. It was the Magistrates of the Arte della Lana who imposed to the Casentino producers the rough finish of their wool, with irregular and coarse hair, with dark and sad colours. Now, the Casentino cloth (transformed in its colours also because of a processing error), is found in high fashion shows. The orange double-breasted coat with the typical raised wool swirl, the fox neck, the half-belt and the emerald green lining is un classic product from T.A.C.S., the company of Stia which inherited the entire tradition, the history and the techniques of the surprising Casentino cloth. T.A.C.S. produces the fabric, tailors the models and the accessories sold under their own brand. They propose the Old Tuscany Country clothing line, the soft cashmere and the precious vicuña.