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CARTA inCANTA. This little fairytale.
Carlotta Parisi’s solo show. Fortezza of Montalcino, September 2nd – 24th, 2017.
After the great success of Paper Cirkus, Carlotta Parisi, illustrator and paper sculptress, once again tells her story with artworks that are also strongly auto-biographical in the “CARTA inCANTA, this little fairy tale” exhibition. Thirty works, from drawings to papier-mâché sculptures. A solo show with completely new works to which Carlotta Parisi has been working for one year: a sort of diary on herself and the world looked at through a dreamy glance, but always coupled with a well balanced rational thinking.
The exhibition is open from the 2nd to the 24th of September in the Fortezza of Montalcino, the town where Carlotta Parisi was born and now works in her atelier in the historic centre. It collects the most representative works of an artist who has a vibrant poetic inspiration, who works on each shape always starting from a strong and clean linear sign, iconic of a thinking that makes of the sketching the most intimate, thoughtful and complete expression of her being an artist. This is why behind the beauty of Carlotta Parisi’s images and creatures, there is a tale, the depth of a thoughtful poetic vision. The exhibition, set up along a course “in stages” and organized over two floors, opens with a self-portrait “I am Etruscan,” a quote from Marino Marini, that follows the poetic tale of the exhibition and of the artist’s biography. It continues on the second floor, arranged around what is the heart of the exhibition itself, both from the standpoint of the set-up and of the artworks. A long white table, a sort of installation, hung, but at the same time anchored to the ground by three different local stones. A long ideal white line also stretching over the walls on which Parisi tells her story through nine representations with a strong iconic value.
From the very colorful cats in the first hall, representing her most recognizable historic production, although these are all new works, to the sculptures in the second hall that mark the most significant stages in the work and the life of Parisi. “The family on the rocking horse” closes the exhibition: a man, a woman, a child on a rocking horse as a symbol of the balance and instability of life and relationships. Behind this work that opens to life and the future, a large drawing of a forest. A light forest, watercolored, serene, but with those large red spots that often appear on the trunks, a sort of gashes of passion, blood, life, almost hints of a forest that is protection and danger at the same time. In Carlotta Parisi’s exhibition there is also a lot of her land, the Val d’Orcia, within which her actual journey takes place, a landscape where the idea of beauty iteself has been kept for centuries.
“The beauty of my Val d’Orcia is an every day nourishment for the soul: I have often created full-figured, welcoming women who are as a representation of this land and who quote portions of this landscape in their bodies.”
An exhibition that can also become the occasion to find in the territory, outside the exposition space, visual impressions that will take you back to the artworks, like quotations of a landscape of universal soul of which Tuscany is an icon.
“CARTA inCANTA questa piccola favola”
2-24 September 2017 – Every day 10AM – 7PM
Montalcino – Fortezza
Ticket (to enter the Fortezza) 4 €