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Mercato dell’Artigianato ArtEArti – Fortezza di Montepulciano (SI)

From March 30th to April 2nd, 2018: 63rd Edition of the Mostra dell’Artigianato in Montepulciano.

Set up on the three  floors of the wonderful Fortezza of Montepulciano, free entrance, is once again the fair devoted to quality handicrafts and to the Art of Taste with a section devoted to the best local food and wine specialties.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover the enchanting village of Montepulciano: a jewel of Tuscan Renaissance right on the border with the Val d’Orcia, a Unesco site.

Something new in the 2018  edition is the Contest: “A patron of the Strada.” Food and art tell the story and the culture of a territory through a universal language! To be able to link them in something unique is a task for human ingenuity and creativity.

All artisans who are registered with a IVA number and who operate within Italy in the artistic handicraft sector can take part. As the “Patron”, the Strada will award a prize to the first three artisans who will be best able to represent the proposed theme, through an original work, that must be expressive and technically well made.

Since 2018 is the year of Italian food and wine in the world, the choice of the topic of the challenge has been one strongly representative of the Valdichiana territory:”The Chianina cow, the King of the Valley.”

Judging the works will be a specialized jury, to which the public will add its vote, who will be able to admire and evaluate the works on the contest starting on Friday March 30th until Monday April 2nd, in the Fortezza of Montepulciano (first floor).

Here you can find more information and download the form to enter the contest:…/

To enter, please contact “Strada del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese”

Tel +39 0578 717484,

For more information, please go to

Event organized by the Strada del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei  Sapori della Valdichiana Senese in cooperation with the Comune of Montepulciano, the “Unione dei Comuni Valdichiana Senese”, Cna and Artex.