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From October 26th to the 28th, “eleMENTI CREATIVI”: discovering the secrets of the Florentine artisans.

The event “eleMENTI CREATIVI: discovering the secrets of the Florentine artisans” will start on Friday, October 26th at 5PM with the “opening in music” and will go on until Sunday, October 28th from 10AM to 8PM. It takes place at the Officina Creativa by Artex, the center for the artistic and traditional handicraft of Tuscany, in via Giano della Bella, …

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Artigianato&Aperitivo: record number of participants. New dates after the summer break! 

One hundred participants in four meetings! A success confirmed by the record numbers of this first portion of the 2018 edition of “Artigianato & Aperitivo.”  The initiative is created by “Artex-Center for the artistic and traditional handicraft of Tuscany,” in cooperation with Officina Creativa and Comune di Firenze, CNA Firenze, Confartigianato Imprese Firenze, Oltrarno Promuove 2.0 and “Andare a Zonzo.”

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The “Florence of the Children” is coming!

The initiative “Florence of the Children”  is returning this year as well, from May 4th to the 6th: a calendar rich with events especially designed for the little ones, but not only! The theme of this edition is “ingenuity,” an invitation to always keep your brain turned on and exercise curiosity, reasoning, analysis, creative thoughts and discovery.  Amongst the many workshops …

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European Days of the Artistic Crafts

On April 6, 7, 8 the “European Days of the Artistic Crafts” returns, an event organized simultaneously in various European countries to spread the knowledge of the enormous heritage of the artistic and artisanal crafts.  For three days, the artisans’ bottegas and the workshops in all of Europe will open their doors to visitors to show their production techniques and …

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Fiera Internazionale della Ceramica, Firenze

International Fair of Ceramics, Florence October 7th, 8th, 9th, 2017, Piazza SS. Annunziata, Florence. Now in its 18th edition, the Fiera Internazionale della Ceramica presents this year an especially rich edition. Eighty-three artists from all corners of Europe will enliven the stunning background of Piazza SS. Annunziata with works that are an expression of the most innovative contemporary ceramics.

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