The “Florence of the Children” is coming!
The initiative “Florence of the Children” is returning this year as well, from May 4th to the 6th: a calendar rich with events especially designed for the little ones, but not only! The theme of this edition is “ingenuity,” an invitation to always keep your brain turned on and exercise curiosity, reasoning, analysis, creative thoughts and discovery. Amongst the many workshops …
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Fiera Internazionale della Ceramica, Firenze
International Fair of Ceramics, Florence October 7th, 8th, 9th, 2017, Piazza SS. Annunziata, Florence. Now in its 18th edition, the Fiera Internazionale della Ceramica presents this year an especially rich edition. Eighty-three artists from all corners of Europe will enliven the stunning background of Piazza SS. Annunziata with works that are an expression of the most innovative contemporary ceramics.
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