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Mercato dell’Artigianato ArtEArti – Fortezza di Montepulciano (SI)

From March 30th to April 2nd, 2018: 63rd Edition of the Mostra dell’Artigianato in Montepulciano. Set up on the three  floors of the wonderful Fortezza of Montepulciano, free entrance, is once again the fair devoted to quality handicrafts and to the Art of Taste with a section devoted to the best local food and wine specialties.

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September 30th – December 3rd, 2017 Piazzale della Resistenza Scandicci (Florence) The town of Scandicci pays homage to its fellow citizens  Paolo and Paola Staccioli, father and daughter, with a project curated by Marco Tonelli and realized within the ‘Toscanaincontemporanea 2017’ event. Paolo Staccioli’s large bronze and ceramic artworks will invade spaces in the outskirts of town, the Tramway station …

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