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Artigianato&Aperitivo: record number of participants. New dates after the summer break! 

One hundred participants in four meetings! A success confirmed by the record numbers of this first portion of the 2018 edition of “Artigianato & Aperitivo.”  The initiative is created by “Artex-Center for the artistic and traditional handicraft of Tuscany,” in cooperation with Officina Creativa and Comune di Firenze, CNA Firenze, Confartigianato Imprese Firenze, Oltrarno Promuove 2.0 and “Andare a Zonzo.”

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The view on handicraft of the “Accademia di Belle Arti” students

Thursday, January 11th at 10:00AM,  Officina Creativa, via Giano della Bella, Florence Handicraft, the Oltrarno and the most significant moments of the Artigianato&aperitivo itineraries as seen through the eyes of the young artists of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze who are attending the lessons on “Languages and Techniques of the Audiovisual” coordinated by professor Massimo Rossi.

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Artigianato&aperitivo: June 6th at 5:30PM urban trekking meeting in the Oltrarno

On June 6th, “Artigianato & aperitivo” will make room for “The gardens of the Oltrarno and to Beneforti’s art of restoration.” The initiative, promoted by Artex and “Andare a Zonzo,” includes a special stop at the Giardino delle Rose (the Rose Garden) where, accompanied by an expert guide, the history and the secrets of other gardens will be revealed.  The …

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Artigianato&aperitivo: May 9th at 6:00PM the new meeting of urban trekking in the Oltrarno

The Lungarni and the bronze creations of Il Bronzetto, drinks at the Bar dell’angolo     We are ready for the fifth meeting of Artigianato&aperitivo: on May 9th, we will discover the history and the beauty of the Lungarni, a walk discovering the most beautiful and romantic views in Florence. We will go through the historic alleys of the Oltrarno, …

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Artigianato&aperitivo. April 26th at 6:00PM the fourth urban trekking meeting in the Oltrarno

The “Vecchio Conventino” and the decorated wood by Tommaso De Carlo. Drinks at Dolce Vita Firenze. Here we are at the fourth appointment with the event Artigianato&aperitivo: we meet on April 26th at 6:00PM in via Giano della Bella, 20. We will discover the history of a lesser known corner of Florence, the “Vecchio Conventino” (the old little convent) and …

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Artigianato&aperitivo: March 21st at 6:00PM the second appointment with the urban trekking in the Oltrarno

The Liberty in Florence, Mireille Valentine’s Florentine “commesso” and an original pre-dinner drink at S. Forno. On March 21st, after the success of the first installment, we meet for the second time to follow an itinerary that starts at 6:00PM in Piazza Tasso.

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Artigianato&aperitivo: April 11 at 6:00PM the third urban trekking appointment in the Oltrarno

The alleys of the Oltrarno and the Art of Molatura of the Moleria Locchi. Drinks at Volume Firenze. After the success of the first two meetings, here comes the third installment of Artigianato&Aperitivo: we meet on April 11th at 6:00PM in Via del Burchiello, 10. We enter the wonderful workshop of Moleria Locchi, an internationally recognized reference point for the …

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