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Belvivere Casa


Belvivere products are distinguished by a high level of quality and creativity and are aimed to the top end of the market. Collections always feature complete and coordinated lines for bed, bathroom and table. All products are entirely conceived, designed and manufactured in Italy to ensure a superior quality, guaranteed by careful inspections that are performed before, during and after production. Each collection reflect the company's labour and passionate commitment in which quality is the primary objective. The skills and master expertise of our workers ensure that each item has a contemporary style that satisfies the wishes of our sophisticated and exacting costumers who appreciate Italian elegance, innovation, creativity and tradition. Quality is guarantee by the fabrics and material used which are selected among the finest available on the market, often produced exclusively for us. We believe that textiles are extremely important and we have a strong commitment to research and experimentation, since many small refinements are very important in defining the value of the final product. Each item is manufactured as if it were made exclusively for customers who appreciate what goes beyond timeless fashion but who feel at ease in a balance of elegance that is in harmony with their lifestyle.