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Bruto Pomodoro

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Born in Milan, Italy, in 1961, Bruto Pomodoro starts his artistic journey in 1994, leaving behind a long career devoted to scientific design. Painter and sculptor, focuses his strictly abstract artistic quest on the most secret aspects of the living world - from genetics to embryology, from evolution to the physics relationships of the laws of the Universe — through an individual, symbolic narrative language, based on the careful study of the chromatic and compositional relationships. From his first two painting cycles, respectively named Contemplazioni and Elogi del Quadrato, one can witness a gradual dissolution of the constructive spaces, initially very close to the themes of concretism, and to a giving up of the bright polychromy present in his first works: from this research are born the works entitled Codici Algenici, where the artist is interested in highlighting the dialectic relationship that connects the morphologic potentiality of the living — represented by the archetypal element - to the value of the DNA as a sign, analyzed through the “alchemic transmutations” offered by genetic engineering. Pomodoro then pursues his own technique focusing only on the cardinal matrix of his work: the archetype becomes, for the need of synthesis, the only main character of his last works, that develops following two parallel paths. This is when the Sagomati come to life — works created with the technique of collage, where the interest moves to the tridimensional visualization of the different interweaving planes of the primal figure, to get to the logical conclusion of its all-round sculptural representation — and the Disgiuntivi, where the research is concentrated on the entropic decomposition of the elements that constitute the Archetype, in a conceptual representation of the physical laws of Thermodynamic that govern the flows of energy and, at the same time, in an allegory of life and death. From 2005, he develops his characteristic Archetypes in the third dimension, through the use of collages and resins, to arrive to the traditional all-round sculpture, both in stone and in bronze, following a path coherent with is rich painting production, in a balanced rapport between classicism and modernity. Among the public shows entitled specifically to him, one must include the exhibitions held in 1997 in Siena (Palazzo Patrizi), at Riccione (Palazzo Comunale del Turismo) and at Cesena (Galleria Ex Pescheria), entitled Contemplazioni, the show of 2001 at Sarzana (Chiostro di San Francesco) entitled Elogi del Quadrato – 1998/2001, the exhibition in 2002 at Courmayeur (Maison Fleur) entitled Codici Algenici, the shows in Pietrasanta (Chiostri di S. Agostino) and Cattolica (Galleria Comunale S. Croce), entitled Codici Armonici, both in 2005, the solo exhibition held in 2007 at Rimini (Palazzo del Podestà), entitled “Evoluzione delle Forme Archetipe – Viaggio verso la Tridimensione” and the exhibition held in the very central church of San Cristoforo in Lucca (Opere in San Cristoforo), that in July 2010 had an outstanding success with the public, with more than 24,000 visitors.