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Carlotta Parisi

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Carlotta Parisi was born in Montalcino in 1975 where she lived happily until 1994 when she transferred to Milan to attend the School of Graphic Arts to study publishing illustration. After her diploma she decided to stay on in Milan and she worked as freelance illustrator for different organizations (CARREFOUR, PRENATAL, BLU BEE, TELEFONO AZZURRO, and UNICEF). In 2001 she decided to return to Montalcino. Here she started to design t-shirt as well as recycle corks from Montalcino wines and create new things with them. The success of these creations prompted her to set up her own little space open to the public when she can work on new ideas. From 2004 to the present she started to draw again and published 4 books for different publishing houses including L'arca di Noè for Carthusia (Milano). In addition to drawing in her shop she loves being surrounded with papier maché, wire, felt, cloth and clay: the materials that inspire new creations in her on a daily basis. Actually she loves working with different materials, letting herself be inspired by their colors, their shapes and their touch: it is through this infinite quest that she meets new people who dedicated their lives to the love of Life and Doing, this way she can dip into and get to know their words.