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Enrico Paolucci

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Enrico Paolucci was born in Pienza in 1959. After graduating in Law, he decided to follow his artistic vocation. His initial interest in clay modelling was followed by a decisive preference for papier-mâché. Using this technique, and methods which he himself invented, he creates sculptures and panels of fairly singular connotations. His pictosculptures are mixed works of art in which the sculptured paper is completed pictorially utilising a varied palette: the artistic concept is transfused into the material through hand modeling. Among the recurrent themes of his production are animals such as fish, wild boar and owls that make up a lyrical and imaginative zoo. Then there are also the Tuscan landscapes and the filiform stylized figures reminiscent of Alberto Giacometti. Since 2003 some of his works have been on permanent display at the Galleria Sciaccheart of Riomaggiore (SP).