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Italo Gori

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Argenteria Italo Gori begins in a small workshop in the heart of Florence, in 1890. The activity develops with the production of objects of the utmost creativity and workmanship. The craftsman’s skill devotes attention to every detail in each phase of production, and this breathes life into precious objects, designed to insert themselves into living spaces, without sacrificing either quality or tradition. The workshop expands rapidly, distinguishing itself, through the years, for its techniques and creativity. Italo Gori’s speciality is sheet silver, entirely hand crafted, producing highly commercial objects which still observe the precepts of a craft tradition that is deeply rooted in Florentine culture. Today, the owners’ passion and attention are bringing technological innovation to Argenteria Italo Gori, which is, in fact, considered one of Florence’s most avant-garde silverware manufacturers. Italo Gori’s products successfully combine traditional craftsmanship with design evolution, as with renewed enthusiasm, they go forward in the new millennium.