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Florence of the Children

On May 19th, 20th and 21st Florence dedicates three days to children and and to the way they look at the city. The “city as a home” is the common thread of the event during which many small “theme cities” will become alive, ready to host children curious to discover, learn, explore and have fun with handicrafts, music, technology, art and much more.

The event, promoted by the Comune of Florence and organized by MUS.E, will include many locations around the city, like Palazzo Vecchio, the Library of the Oblate, the Opera House of Florence, the Compound of the Murate, the Park of Cascine, the Istituto degli Innocenti, the neighborhood of San Niccoló.

On Friday May 19th, the schools of the Florentine area will be directly involved with a full immersion of workshops and activities, while on Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st will be devoted to children and boys and girls and their families. Workshops, itineraries, shows and activities for all ages and to suit all tastes that will give the opportunity to experience the city in a new way and to discover its wonders.

The Festival will be officially opened on Friday May 19th at 6:00PM at the Cavea of the Opera House of Florence: all children are invited to take part to a “record breaking” chorus.

Artex, Centro per l’artigianato artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana and Officina Creativa – Conventino will be the leading characters in the City of Handicraft inside the wonderful Istituto degli Innocenti.

All the activities will be free.

The complete program

Program of the City of Handicraft – Florence of the Children

Friday May 19th



Hours 9:30AM-12:30PM only for the schools

Ceramic Workshop – The hands in the clay, organized by Studio Ceramico Giusti. In the hands of the children, under the careful guidance of the master ceramists, water and clay will magically take shape and the children will be able to discover the charm of molding the clay, making small objects, small whistles and ocarinas with their own hands.

Laboratorio di arte grafica – Graphic art workshop. The magic of printing, organized by the Fondazione Il Bisonte. Using the technique of “puntasecca”, one of the oldest, but also one of the most intuitive techniques: it is an engraving on a plexiglass sheet that is then inked by the staff of the Bisonte. Next, they will be printed on the press where the child/young boy or girl can, in complete safety, manouver the star.

Laboratorio del riciclo – (Recycle Workshop). Artisans using recycled materials. Imagination, ecology and art: the eco-designer Giovanni Erbabianca will guide the youngest ones in creating eco-sustainable artworks and artisanal objects. Organized by Giovanni Erbabianca.

Saturday May 2oth 



Hours 10:30AM/12:30 and 2:00PM/6:00PM reservation is suggested

Laboratorio di ceramica (Ceramic Workshop) – Ceramic Workshop – The hands in the clay, organized by Studio Ceramico Giusti. In the hands of the children, under the careful guidance of the master ceramists, water and clay will magically take shape, the children will be able to discover the charm of molding the clay, making small objects, small whistles and ocarinas made with their own hands.

Laboratorio di arte grafica – Graphic art workshop. The magic of printing, care of  Fondazione Il Bisonte. Using the technique of “puntasecca”, one of the oldest, but also one of the of the most intuitive techniques: it is an engraving on a plexiglass sheet that are then inked by the staff of the Bisonte. Next, they will be printed on the press where the child/young boy or girl can, completely safely, manouver the star.

Laboratorio di sartoria- Tailoring workshop: The A, B, C of needlework, objects made of fabric. Organized by Laboratorio Pro-Fili. An event that promotes the interest and pleasure of creative needlework: a fun form of entertainment that stimulates the energies of the “know how.” In the ProFili Laboratory in the Istituto degli Innocenti, one can acquire a basic expertise in tailoring to be able to enter the workforce and where workshops are held that are also open to the public.


Eco-design workshop. Art, handicraft and recycling. Creative works and objects using recycled material, organized by Giovanni Erbabianca.

Creative Labs – Surrealist types between art and handicraft, organized by the association Laboratorio 900. Dream and subconscious create levels of realities that are not very everyday: upside down worlds where men with bowler hats rain down from the sky and the clocks slide down, soft and misshapen, dried branches.  Inside their see-through magic boxes are packed mysterioius objects: Magritte, Dalì and Cornell will be our guides in creating fantastic surrealistic universes. 2:00 – 6:00 PM

Sunday May 21st



Hours 10:30-12:30  and 2:00-6:00PM

Laboratorio di ceramica (Ceramic Workshop) – Ceramic Workshop – The hands in the clay, organized by Studio Ceramico Giusti. In the hands of the children, under the careful guidance of the master ceramists, water and clay will magically take shape, the children will be able to discover the charm of molding the clay, making small objects, small whistles and ocarinas made with their own hands.

Laboratorio di arte grafica – Graphic art workshop. The magic of printing, care of  Fondazione Il Bisonte. Using the technique of “puntasecca”, one of the oldest, but also one of the of the most intuitive techniques: it is an engraving on a plexiglass sheet that are then inked by the staff of the Bisonte. Next, they will be printed on the press where the child/young boy or girl can, completely safely, manouver the star.

Laboratorio olfattivo –  olfactory workshop. A world of perfumes, organized by Arômantique. A brief journey at the discovery of the senses: the children will learn how to recognize the aromas and the fragrances, under the expert guidance of a talented artisan of  perfume, Maria Letizia Longo.


Eco-design workshop. Art, handicraft and recycling. Creative works and objects using recycled material, organized by Giovanni Erbabianca.

Creative Workshops – Zang Tumb Tumb! organized by the association Laboratorio 900. They brush their teeth in a minute and a half, they drink their coffee in less than twenty seconds: they are the Futurists, artists who are always running, lovers of speed! Super dynamic and creative, we will make a super colorful vest. “What a super plastic lab, motohumoristic!” as Depero!i would say. 2:00.4:00PM


All on stage: the handicraft puts on a show

Hours 10:00-11:30AM – 11:30AM-1:00PM reservation suggested.

Workshop of set design and stage make-up, organized by I.M.A. SFX Studios. A double event with I.M.A. Sfx Studios, a company that creates special effects and set designs for theme parks. The children will participate in creating make-up inspired by the super-heroes and the little monsters of the pictures. To follow, a workshop of set design where the children will draw and build the backdrop for the “Teatrino Abbandonato” (the abandoned little theater). On display also scaled models and fantastic characters made by this lab of high set designs.

Workshop with wood – The noses of Pinocchio, organized by Bottega d’Arte Maselli 

The children will discover how the most famous puppet in the world is born: they will enter the pages of the book of Pinocchio and expertly guided by the artisan of wood Gabriele Maselli, the children will make the noses of Pinocchio.