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Bruscoli Pelletteria Legatoria

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The Bruscoli company was founded in 1881 by Egisto Bruscoli as a printer and binder. In 1904 it won a prize in the Alinari competition for the artistic binding of the Divine Comedy. In the early 1900’s his son and grandsons continued his work by concentrating on the binding and restoration of books. Production activity grew notably during the 1950’s and 1960’s and the company developed and widened its foreign connections, establishing itself on the international scene. In 1958 Paolo Bruscoli was asked to restore the valuable volumes of the Biblioteca Laurenziana until 1966 when a flood hit and interrupted the restoration process. However as soon as it was possible to resume operations, the company was asked to participate in the restoration of collections from the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. The Bruscoli company, currently in its fifth generation, continues to utilize antique processing techniques with all of its peculiarities, both in craft binding and book restoration, in remaking artistic leather of armchairs and desks, as well as the craft production of leather articles.