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Museo dei Ferri Taglienti di Scarperia

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The set-up is divided into 5 thematic sections: the first, multimedia in nature, presents videos related to the artisanship of the knife; the second is dedicated to Italian cutlery and its production centers from the end of the 19th century to the present day, the third instead to the history of the knife makers of Scarperia. The fourth section, entitled “Female Blades“, presents the other category of cutting blades: scissors for embroidery and tailoring. Finally, the fifth section is dedicated to social life, and is periodically modified with reconstructions that relate to moments of life in the area.
The museum offers an active visit through videos, educational panels, touch screen monitors, a video-audio guide and a work bench where the visitor can try his hand at assembling the knife.
The museum’s activities are managed by the Research and Documentation Center on Cutting Tools (centro di ricerca e documentazione sull’artigianato dei ferri taglienti), a scientific-technical group that has been created by scholars and experts in the sector. The museum is part of the “Diffused Museum” (Museo Diffuso), the museum system of the Mugello and the Florentine mountains.