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Studio Calcografico Ippogrifo di Elisabetta Martelli

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Studio Calcografico Ippogrifo is a unique atelier/workshop: still now, in fact, it operates according to the work schemes of the ancient "workshops" of etching on metal, started in Florence during the fifteenth century. The activity started in 1977, with the aim of creating art images that are hand etched by the author, and of reconciling, in the original print sector, the art with the craft. The preferred technique is acquaforte, which permits precious graphic elaborations; cooperating directly with the author it is possible to construct more suitable subjects, chosen together with the customer. The catalogue of Studio Calcografico Ippogrifo is able to offer a wide choice among several hundreds of subjects, available in the classic and soft shades of black and white, or finished with accurate colouring, hand-made with watercolour. These works, of a recognised artistic and professional value, are also a high prestige promotional vehicle, very efficient and long lasting.
The workshop is open only by appointment. Please call +39 366 1112870.