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European Days of the Artistic Crafts

On April 6, 7, 8 the “European Days of the Artistic Crafts” returns, an event organized simultaneously in various European countries to spread the knowledge of the enormous heritage of the artistic and artisanal crafts. 

For three days, the artisans’ bottegas and the workshops in all of Europe will open their doors to visitors to show their production techniques and their great mastery, peculiar of all the artisans’ professions, which is a material and human heritage, something unique and that needs to be spread, preserved and known. 

In Tuscany, after the great success of the past editions, also in this edition the themes of training, of transmitting the artistic crafts and of young people’s employment are in the foreground.  Schools, workshops, Master Artisans and School-Bottegas around Tuscany will visit the bottegas of the Masters artisans for an open weekend devoted to technical-artisanal training. A unique opportunity to train, where the small practical workshops, the exhibits and the demos will actively involve all the visitors. 

The event is organized by Artex – the Center for the artistic and traditional handicrafts of Tuscany and by the Associazione OmA, in cooperation with the Paris “Institut National des Metiers d’Art.” Participation to the workshops is free. 

Download the program (in Italian)