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HANDICRAFT Time for Lorenzo Baglioni: the first “signature itinerary” gets on its way.

Thursday, December 15,  at 11:30 AM. Teatro Niccolini, Via Ricasoli 3, Florence.

Lorenzo Baglioni, comedian actor and author, musician and mathematician, creative talent, multifaceted artist, has autographed the first signature itinerary of this off-the-beaten-paths “Artisanal” Tuscany.


Lorenzo Baglioni, actor, author, musician and mathematician.

Stefano Ciuoffo, Council member at Regione Toscana for Production Activities, Credit, Tourism and Commerce

Alessandro Vittorio Sorani, President of Artex, the Center for the Artistic and Tradicional Handicraft of Tuscany.

Lorenzo Baglioni introduces a very special “selfie” where we can find life experience, territory, creative activities and experimentation: an itinerary of the heart, as passionate as his passion for the football team of Florence, the “viola” (from their purple jerseys), always so joyfully declared.

It is in Florence, in the Teatro Niccolini, where on Thursday, December 15 at 11:30AM, LORENZO BAGLIONI presents his Florence and his Tuscany of the heart.

We have collected his passions in these stop-overs on the way to Florence, starting in Greve in Chianti, his hometown. It is a journey that from the web enters reality, so that from January onwards it will be available to everyone, not just to the digital natives, with a real life tour-guide.

The Regione Toscana has welcomed and promoted an emerging, contemporary creativity, accepting to entrust to an innovative and decisively social narrating voice, the tale of an entirely “personal” Tuscany.