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Crafts in tuxedo

Arezzo is a crossroads of inexhaustible beauty and a gateway to access to a constellation of untouched landscapes and stories full of charm.

On its background parades for thousands of years the natural spectacle of the meeting of ValdiChiana, Upper Valdarno and Casentino. Three landscapes, three distinct universes, three souls that the bronze statue of the chimera, now preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Florence, contains in its own symbol.

The architectural elegance of Arezzo flows in color and composed volume of the frescoes of Piero Della Francesca, it transpires in the balanced geometry of Piazza Grande, in the rhythm of its arcades, in the absolute simplicity of street furniture. The quiet and Etruscan grace of these places could only harmonize with the artisanal production of Arezzo:

frescoes and decorations to embellish homes interiors, theaters, public places
tabernacles, chalices, crowns, crosses obtained from the most disparate materials
office furniture, such as trunks, pens and ink holder, frames, oddments lockers
elegant ceremonial accessories such as tails, tuxedos, vests, ties, scarves

A trip diluted in time to retrieve the peace and its own interior spaces. All the details of products in the tabs of the craftsmen.