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Subbiano – Anghiari

Wrought iron and wood: natural beauty of the Casentino

In Subbiano the ability to dose lightness and texture, rusticity and refinement is a skill that the artisans have internalized.

Whether it’s iron or wood, it remains difficult to attenuate the robustness of “strong” materials, to soften lines, while maintaining their original character and features.

It’s a whole game of balance: a detailed knowledge of manufacturing techniques and raw material, aesthetic sense, ability to anticipate trends and taste. In a corner of Casentino among stone houses overlooking the river, blacksmiths and carvers have succeeded in the undertaking: the laws of physics have won, translating metal, chestnut, oak, beech into forms slender, harmonics, and aerial design never granted.

The rustic furniture imposes itself more and more in the furnishings scene.

It’s curious to find out how this trend isn’t born in vanguard or industrial cities: on the contrary, it has its origins among secular woods, castles and country houses isolated in the Arezzo province. And perhaps here lies its extraordinary power of the Casentino manufactures: be innovative by nature and by tradition, without resorting to artifice and imitation of imported models.

One more reason not to give up on this magical journey: check out the boards of the craftsmen.