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Bagno a Ripoli

Mosaics, lighting and poor art

Among the rolling hills of south Florence, a unique route to the discovery of 3 crafts products out of the ordinary:

• semi-precious stones committed, one of the oldest and most complex techniques of Florentine handicraft
• lighting in wrought iron, steel, brass and copper for interior and exterior
• sculptures with recycled materials in harmony with nature and poor art.

At the gates of the city unfolds an unlikely scenario of rare beauty: the landscape of Bagno a Ripoli hemmed with cypress and olive trees, rural houses, tabernacles hidden among grass and vineyards, imposing Medicean villas.

The theater where for centuries has been moving the most authentic tradition of Florentine craftsmanship, but that also houses unrivaled monuments, one among all the Oratory of Santa Caterina, a blaze of color that frescoes still radiate with surprising intensity.

A few km from the center, architectural gems coexist alongside micro-laboratories where real masterpieces of handmade are created: mosaics with hard and semi-precious stones, table lamps, elegant floor lamps, wall lamps in wrought iron and other metals; very special sculptures and furnishings made ??of recycled wood and poor materials.

In Bagno a Ripoli art comes by expert hands, minds open to experimentation, deep traditions and inexhaustible creative streaks.
These are just some of the reasons to visit the surroundings of Florence and follow the map.