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Artigianato&aperitivo: May 25th at 6:00PM, the “precious” urban trekking meeting in the Oltrarno. 

The historic city walls and the contemporary jewelry by Yoko Takirai and a special visit to PREZIOSA, Florence Jewellery Week at the Arti Orafe – Jewellery School. Drinks at Il Santino.

The May 25th leg of Artigianato&aperitivo will be a special and precious appointment, an urban trekking completely devoted to the art of jewelry: we will start by visiting PREZIOSA, the event devoted to the art of jewelry organized by Le Arti Orafe – Jewellery School; we will continue our walk visiting the Museo Bellini, one of the three sites of PREZIOSA, we will then go to discover the historic walls of Florence, stop at Officina Creativa/Conventino, at the artisan’s workshop of  Yoko Takirai to watch a live demonstration on how a contemporary jewel is created.

Soon afterwards, we will resume our walk to end with a good glass of wine at Il Santino.

The walk starts at 6:00PM at Le Arti Orafe- Jewellery School Via dei Serragli 104/124

Reservation to “Artigianato & aperitivo” is mandatory and only a limited number of participants is admitted. Information and details are on, for prices and reservations please check

June 6: “The gardens of the Oltrarno and the art of restoration of Beneforti”

June 20: “The piazzas of the Oltrarno and the artisanal sandals of Calzaturificio Laudato.”

The drinks at the end of the next itineraries with be offered at “Bar d’Angolo,” “Dolce Vita Firenze,” “Il S. Forno,” “il Santino,” “Volume Firenze”.

The reservation for “Artigianato & aperitivo” is mandatory, only a limited number of participants will be admitted. For more information please check, to book please go to

This event, presented by “ARTour Toscana: gli itinerari dell’artigianato” (a project supported by the Regione Toscana, organized by  Artex Centro per l’artigianato Artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana, in cooperation with CNA Toscana e Confartigianato Imprese Toscana) is organized by “Artex, Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana” in cooperation with Officina Creativa, Comune di Firenze, Cna Firenze, Confartigianato Imprese Firenze, Oltrarno Promuove 2.0 e Andare a Zonzo.