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Granai di Toscana

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Granai di Toscana (lit. Tuscan Granaries) is an agricultural cooperative of second level that has obtained the recognition as an Organization of Producers (OP) of the Regione Toscana dated March 18th, 2015 and it is composed by seven Tuscan agricultural cooperatives with about 1500 members and more than 60 years of history: Colline Amiatine Soc. Agr. Coop., Produttori Agricoli della Costa d’Argento Società Coop. Agr., Produttori Agricoli S. Luce Soc. Agr. Coop, Società Cooperativa Agricola Pomonte, San Rocco Soc. Coop. Agr., Raspollino Soc. Coop. Agr. e Valle Bruna Soc. Coop. Agr.

The societary basis of each cooperative that takes part in the OP is composed by small agricultural businesses that work the lands of the province of Grosseto and in part of the province of Pisa: the territory in question stretches along the Tuscan coast to the south in the municipalities of Roccastrada, Gavorrano, Grosseto, Cinigiano, Castel del Piano, Arcidosso, Magliano in Toscana, Scansano, Roccalbegna, Orbetello and Manciano, and further north in the the municipalities of S. Luce, Arciano, Lorenzana, Rosignano Solvay.

Through its farmers, the OP controls 15,000 arable hectares and has a mean total production of about 15,000 tons of durum wheat.