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Naturalmente Toscano

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Naturalmente Toscano (Naturally Tuscan) markets top of the line food products from Tuscany and it is located in the province of Grosseto. A group of farmers associated in the Piazzoletta grow ancient varieties of cereals and beans, catalogued by the department of Genetics of the University of Florence. Naturalmente Toscano buys its products from these farmers and manufactures and/or packages them to sell them online, in the local specialty shops or at the fairs. These farmers follow a farming guideline that calls only for a growing rotation and green manure. Everything stems from the project “the memory of seeds”, an idea to enhance the Ancient grains through a short distribution system in which the association La Piazzoletta, that is the caretaker of all the seeds, cooperates directly with the University of Florence. Our food excellences come from a genetic selection to recover the ancient varieties, rich in nutrients and with a unique flavors.