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Firenze: City of Perfumes

Monday February 6 at 11.30 AM Officina Creativa, Conventino in via Giano della Bella, 20 Florence

Presentation of the captivating and original itinerary Florence City of Perfumes, a journey at the discovery of the firms operating in the perfumery art in Florence, an ancient art that looks at the future.


Stefano Romagnoli, Regione Toscana

Giovanni Bettarini, Assessore Sviluppo Economico, Turismo, Città metropolitana del Comune di Firenze

Alessandro Vittorio Sorani, Presidente di Artex, Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana.

A very fragrant itinerary to discover a not so well-known handicraft, a world made of passion, dedication and great technical ability. Many and varied manufacturing groups united by the same goal: giving emotion.

The itinerary is promoted by the  Regione Toscana, organized by  Artex Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico e Tradizionale della Toscana in cooperation with  Cna Toscana and Confartigianato Imprese Toscana, Officina Creativa, the Comune di Firenze and with the participation of the Associazione I Profumi di Boboli.