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From October 26th to the 28th, “eleMENTI CREATIVI”: discovering the secrets of the Florentine artisans.

The event “eleMENTI CREATIVI: discovering the secrets of the Florentine artisans” will start on Friday, October 26th at 5PM with the “opening in music” and will go on until Sunday, October 28th from 10AM to 8PM. It takes place at the Officina Creativa by Artex, the center for the artistic and traditional handicraft of Tuscany, in via Giano della Bella, 20 in Florence. The cloister of the Vecchio Conventino opens its doors to the public for a magical full immersion of creations, colors and flavors; three days to experience directly the Florentine passion for handicraft. 

On the program: experiences in the workshop, meetings with the artisans, traditional street food, visits to the bottegas, temporary shops, live music and many surprises, all thanks to the passport of the handicraft. The initiative is organized by Artex, the Centro per l’artigianato artistico e tradizionale della Toscana within the project Officina Creativa and in partnership with the City of Florence and with the cooperation of CNA Florence and Confartigianato Imprese Firenze. 

More information:

Telephone 055 570627



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